Recycle Electric Utility Meters
Recycling Electric Utility Meters
We work with the resources to recycle electric utility meters. It is is common. In fact, meters contain valuable metals. Many people ask, “who recycles scrap electric utility meters for utilities companies?” Interco is your answer.
The company works with utility provider companies and industry experts. As well as, meter installers and meter manufacturers to recycle the meters. A meter is a device used for measuring electricity usage. It records consumption of electric energy. Then, communicates the data for monitoring and billing.
As more savvy meters are replacing old meters, scrap piles are increasing. So, companies need to recycle them. Keeping them stored in a facility can cost the company time and money. We deal with this issue as we recycle them.
Moreover, we are a global recycling company providing metals, PCs, and electronic recycling services. We provide these services to industrial, dealer, and government organizations all through the western hemisphere. The 400,000+ sqft. facility has five buildings on more than 40 acres located on the Illinois-side of St. Louis.
Recycling Electric Meters: The Process
The process of recycling electric utility meters is easy with us. The process of recycling meters should be performed using these methods:
- Detachment of steel rings and collars from scrap meters
- Pulling of precious metals from meters
- Disconnection of circuit boards
- Baling cardboard boxes
Through this process, recyclers collect metals. Then, introduce them back into the manufacturing process. For example, the pieces and parts recyclers collect are:
- Brass screws
- Copper wire
- Aluminum wire
- Circuit Boards
- Steel
Finally, at the end of the recycling process, recyclers take the metals to different points. People think recycling is for items, like, containers, and scrap metal. But, it is important to think about the metals inside meters.
Recycling Electric Utility Meters
At the point when companies choose to recycle meters, they are doing their part in helping keep materials out of landfills. We give an all-in, picked-up, per pound price for meters.
At the point when companies recycle meters, you should separate digital meters from analog meters to increase your return. You ought to remove glass covers since they affect the heaviness of the meters. Therefore, they affect the per-pound price. The used of a Gaylord box when recycling meters can help maximize your return. It does this by decreasing work costs and increasing profitability.
We have a lot of experience recycling scrap meters. With our process, we recover 98% of the material in meters.
All material will be recycled by asserted ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety best practices. The company, as an ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series Management System ensured company, recognizes and supervises wellbeing and threats all through the company. As well as, the supply chain. The ISO 45001 stand is recognized as the most fantastic expectation of wellbeing and security. We confirm the weights and record it upon receipt. Then, we issue a written certificate of recycling.
Recycle Electric Utility Meters
Overall, it is important to recycle meters. By doing this, companies are helping reduce waste, landfills, and pollution. A meter is a device that measures electric usage. It records consumption of electric energy. Then, communicates the data for billing. Recycling the materials inside is very beneficial.
The team conveys innovative arrangements, genuine pricing, and assistance all through the supply chain. The company has been an industry leader with an engaged history of innovation and integrity since 1996. We operate on a 40-acre facility that has more than 20 docks. The facility can receive loads by van trailer or dump. We have the ability to deliver and receive more than 25 loads pre 8-hour shift. This amounts to a little more than 19 minutes per load. We are in the business of buying scrap meters to recycle them. We work with dealers and industrial companies all through North America, as well as Central and South America. The company has been a member of ISRI since 1996. Who recycles scrap electric utility meters for utilities companies? To learn how to recycle electric utility meters, click here.